
Showing forms 1 to 30 of 147
Form ID: 3
Respondent: Mr Steven Fox

Strongly disagree

We are massively over crowded as it is ! No one can get a doctors appointment no one can get a dentist appointment! We have 1 hospital (a small one) covering a massive area traffic is horrendous and you are trying to put 10 000 houses out here chucking money at these services never works as previous projects that have been done prove !

It won't be any of these we are already becoming a London overspill full of degenerates ! Keep the hoo peninsula as a village fill it's not a city and never will be done

Strongly disagree

You propose green lands and vibrant villages etc but it will never be that ! 2 to 3 cars per house these days using already overstretched services

It will become a London overspill full of people selling there houses in London and buying cheaper housing down here ! In no way shape of form will these proposed houses be a good neighbourhood to live in there isn't exactly anything to do for teenagers out in hoo is there ! You need to get with the times kids don't want a park or pathways to go on walks they need shops cinema's etc

Overall this whole project is a sham and a cash cow to grab more council tax ! In no way shape or form with what is being proposed be achieved with the budget you have! Also not enough is being done for health services ! I understand that the population is growing and projects like this need to be undertaken but health care is the biggest priority followed by transport a reliable plan to sort out an already out of date and overstretched road network

Form ID: 4
Respondent: South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust

Neither agree nor disagree

It is not for SECAmb to influence the vision other than to ensure that sufficient support is given to enhancing the capacity of SECAmb's services and infrastructure to properly cater for the additional development.

The Accessibility to and between settlements must adequately accommodate emergency vehicle movements. For communities to be sustainable they must have adequate health and emergency service infrastructure and capacity.

Neither agree nor disagree

It is not for SECAmb to influence the plan other than to ensure that sufficient support is given to enhancing the capacity of SECAmb's services and infrastructure to properly cater for the additional development.

The neighbourhoods must each adequately accommodate emergency vehicle movements. The neighbourhoods must have adequate health and emergency service infrastructure and capacity.


Form ID: 5
Respondent: Mr Colin Matthews

Neither agree nor disagree

The proposed vision is given at that time when facts figures were known. I think not all information has been gathered yet so its still subject to ratification.

2. Do not believe this has been fully solved and costed. This is also specific to proposed rail network.

Strongly disagree

The plan is not complete nor fully costed yet. There is still much more information to be gathered and FULLY costed against proposed Government funding.

The proposed neighbourhoods propose a massive expansion whereby a town environment is created with loss of village identity. Do not believe sustainability has been fully tackled to date.

Currently this plan needs far more discussion and consultation and the amount of housing is too much. The basic nature of the Hoo peninsular re its geography of water drainage is already an issue.

Form ID: 6
Respondent: Mr JAMIE MURISON


I think the area is long over due for infrastructure upgrades, this is an immediate necessity, we have poor roads in the area plus the train transport will be a life line to most people, creating more jobs and affordable housing schools doctors etc, I cant see an issue with this going forward I fully back it. All I say is stop living in the past this is our future, hurry up and get it done.

I think the proposals are wonderful, I cant wait

Strongly agree

This is amazing, new greenspaces employment retail a Train station ! improvements to the roads what can I say full steam ahead get it built

New Neighbourhoods is going to be fantastic, new modern houses new scenery great outlook, exciting times !

This infrastructure cant come soon enough, our kids will grow up in an amazing new community. Lets make this happen !

Form ID: 7
Respondent: Mrs Linda Prudence

Strongly disagree

We don't have enough facilities for the village as it is since loosing the old BP club and deangate being in disrepair. The council saw fit to close Deangate golf course loved by many and not run to make a profit. The surgeries we have do not have enough doctors to cope the schools are full already even though we had a new primary not long ago. On top of all the the road infrastructure is not suitable or the drainage. We have so many farm fields being used for housing, where will our food come from in the future ? Instead of encroaching on our areas beautiful wildlife spaces some SSI and endangering the existing habitats of many species consider building on brown field and spreading the building of new homes that locals can't afford, across the area. Build with locals in mind trying to get on the housing ladder and not people moving into the local areas, because we are cheaper for them. Please listen to local residents and our independent councillor's

Infrastructure not suitable already without placing more strain on the area

Strongly disagree

The council are NOT listening to the local residents of the peninsula, we have already grow in size over the last few years enough is enough

It will be more like a town than a lovely friendly village. Most people moved to the area for the village life and the countryside

Build somewhere else or listen to the locals unlike now

Form ID: 8
Respondent: Mrs Joanna Rovery

Somewhat agree

For me moving to this area 3 years ago from a very densely populated area in Erith was so wonderful as this gave open space and beautiful views of open space. I am sad to see that Deangate will be developed on on the hill as this is the view from my home and it is very lovely to look at nice open space as apposed to houses etc, however I do understand the need for more housing and the space on the peninsula makes sense to be utilised for this. I am concerned that although we are providing expansion of a new leisure centre and health centres this will bring with it increased pressure on parking and traffic locally. Also the expansion of health services locally is all well and good, but as the area grows the impact beyond the local space will not match as Medway Health service as a whole is so over stretched and the local hospital is supporting the whole of Medway, this will not help if a local health hub refers to the hospital that even now has no capacity to cope.

It is important to still maintain a village/respectful approach to the development of this area. The thought of this area becoming spoilt by social demographics issues of poor presentation of housing and residents would not make no 4 compliant as attractive is what brought me here to this area in the first place. I chose Chattenden 3 years ago due to it's attractive location and appearance as well as the social demographic of the area. If I wanted a lesser standard I would have bought in Chatham/Stood not a village location.

Somewhat agree

Transport from the Peninsula to the rest of Medway, especially though to the colleges in Gillingham are a struggle for all. Young adults need to get transport to Strood then to Chatham. Why can there not be links from the Peninsula via the Medway tunnel to make linking with the other side of Medway easier, so as to take the pressure off the need to all go through Strood. This is the same for leisure and shopping. Again appearance is very important, residents love this area for it's beauty and views, this would be devesting to lose.

Seeing the proposed development to a safer A228 for pedestrians is fantastic. I live where the picture No 2 on page 83 is shown and seen 3 devastating accidents here and been witness to the dangerous speeds that lorries and vans/cars travel up and down this road. Traffic calming measures are desperately needed here. With schools and local community facilities opening up the road safety is paramount. Also will the roads/landscapes be made stronger, as the land shakes when large lorries, eg; transporter lorries etc from Amazon et al come up and down the road and high speed.

Overall I understand the need for this area to be developed, however hope that this is done with respect to the asthenic look of the current landscape and beauty that is currently here. It would be very sad to see it lost to poor social housing that attracts substandard social demographics and settlement in the areas that are currently a very pleasant place to live. To lose this would be such a shame as living here with a family feeling safe in open space and rural settings and outlook are vital to health and well being and mental health. I bought here and chose to live here for that reason, again I will stress if I did not want that life style I would have chosen to live in a more densely populated area like Chatham or Strood. Please don't ruin what I saved very hard for financially to be able to live somewhere as lovely as the Peninsula. I am an NHS worker who is desperate for keeping my mental health well and living here has given me that, don't spoil it please.

Form ID: 9
Respondent: Town and Country Housing

Somewhat disagree

We agree for the need for housing. What is lacking within the vision is affordable and specialist housing which should be a core item identified within the Community section. Without a diverse demographic, the proposal will lack vibrancy.

Essentially this section seems to completely overlook the need for affordable housing which has limited mention. It does not explain how affordable housing will be incorporated, at what level (presumably the local plan level) and whether the affordable housing will be social rent or affordable rent, first homes etc. The affordable housing needs to be a local plan level, presumed 30% and be included across the entirety of the development with consideration towards specialist housing including M4(3) and extra care or supported housing.

Neither agree nor disagree

No comment.

No comments.

The delivery of the proposals should allow for the promotion and development of land using SME developers including registered providers of affordable housing. 100% affordable housing schemes should be allowed within the framework plan which can then be developed out solely by RP's. Reliance on national housebuilders should be minimised, as built out rates will be slower. Management and estate charges should be split on per m2 basis rather than per dwelling - this should be set out in s106 agreements. Affordable housing should promote social rent as the tenure of choice ahead of affordable rent.

Form ID: 10
Respondent: Michael Hall


Development of this under developed area is long over due

Sustainable and well designed settlements with plenty of green space and good connections across the peninsula

Somewhat agree

Well presented and a clear thought through vision

Identifies maintained across the peninsula with a sense of community still maintained with the increased population

Build build build

Form ID: 11
Respondent: Mr ANDREW Thomson


Rail service to be cheap and regular maybe even subsidised by developers

Rail access is key to making development sustainable

Strongly agree

Making public transport key but it must be protected from any cuts

No answer given

No answer given

Form ID: 12
Respondent: Mr Chris Loraine

Strongly disagree

There is already too much congestion on the access roads for the Hoo Peninsular so no further development bis appropriate unless a new crossing of the Medway is built between Gillingham and Hoo.

The Hoo Peninsular is an area rich in wildlife and home to rare species. There should be no further development.

Strongly disagree

There are pleanty of brownfield sites elsewhere in Medway which should be developed more quickly.

The propossed developments look awful.

The Medway Towns cannot cope with the number of people that are already living here. The roads network is not good enough and the hospital is not large enough. The main road onto the Hoo Peninsular is already overpolluted and cannot cope with the current traffic levels. There are pleanty of brownfiels sites in Medway which should be developed more quickly. This Council needs to listen to what the residents are saying

Form ID: 13
Respondent: Mr Rupert Turpin

Strongly disagree

The settlement is vastly increased size, however there is no evidence base on environmental conditions that will support this level of growth.There is also no transport assessment which, given that the air is already dangerous at Four Elms Hill, is unforgivable. These proposals should not be going out without detailed capacity studies. Purely from a place perspective, building on the "other" side of the A228 Peninsula Way will introduce a split into the "town" of Hoo which is deeply regrettable. The settlement on Deangate should be abandoned for these reasons, and growth should concentrate below this, leaving the sensitive land next to the SSSI alone.

These "principles " are fine but they are not adhered to by the proposals, in particular the A228 SPLITS the "town" of Hoo if building is allowed on the other side of the road at Deangate and also on land owned by Homes England ( who, by the way should be declaring an interest.) This will lead to an awkward community, much as Chattenden is already an example of, rather than a sustainable and vibrant one. The railway proposals have been strangled at birth because of the deletion of the Medway Loop meaning the destination is now Gravesend, again introducing a split personality into the town which is linked by road and proximity to Strood and the rest of the Medway Towns, and by rail to Gravesend and Gravesham council. The reg=quency and size of the train ( two carriages, one per hour) are less than desirable also. For such a huge increase in size, the community facilities required are inadequate and there is no certainty on funding,, Clearly little thought has been given to the sports centre and the aspiration to an Olympic sized swimming pool has been rapidly dropped already. The GP services out here are already inadequate and local people will need reassuring that they can and will improve, and nothing in this document suggests that this is being taken sufficiently seriously. The dropping of the shared bridge is the latest sustainable aspect which has been dropped. This settlement will, if anything be far less sustainable than Strood or the other Medway Towns. The relief road, with a current speeding limit of 20mph is also liable to mean that it will not be taken seriously or be able to take the large amounts of traffic at peak times that the extra residents and their cars will need. It is clear that there is a conflict of interest for Medway Council here, who have placed a new road ( which was not in the original plans) through Deangate, thus helping the "profitability" of their aspirations for housebuilding on Deangate, but this will mean that funds are diverted away from other aspects, such as the railway. They need to explain why houses should be built on such sensitive land adjacent to a SSI, when at one and the same time they are guardians of the whole process with regard to ecological and habitat sustainability. The green zones are a good idea, however very thin in places and down to 10 m. The protection accorded to RAMSAR and SPA sites is unlikely to be siufficient, and this is supported in the Birdwise strategy who say that "The number of birds using the three SPAs has declined markedly, in particular on the Medway at locations with the highest levels of access; • and furthermore stated that: “Access levels are linked to local housing. It is not possible to rule out likely significant effects on the integrity of the protected sites as a result of increased housing;” So , in summary, point 1) NO this is led by the demands of the local plan to have a very high number of houses built not by the leading of the landscape. It would appear that political considerations have meant that houses have been directed on to the peninsula rather than elsewhere. 2 and 3)) The settlement of this size has no capacity studies to ensure that the traffic and the local wildlife can co-exist - this whole evidence base is still missing for the public, but there is every reason to believe that the studies have in fact been completed. The railway is quickly becoming sub optimal with only one service per hour and it is not promoting connectivity with Medway. The loss of the shared brides a devastating blow to connectivity, and the Four Elms Hill roundabout is a cause for concern in the light of the lack of an evidence base.

Strongly disagree

Because of the lack of an evidence base the premise of this is that 10,500 homes can be accommodated on the peninsula which is very uncertain. Until and unless that evidence base is forthcoming we should not be proceeding, because the logical track of progression is that the capacity must be ascertained first before the promise of homes is sealed. This exercise is putting the cart before the horse. The basic identity of the peninsula is not as a housing destination, rather it has become known as an energy infrastructure hub and a wildlife haven. These two identities remain the strongest features of the peninsula, housing coming in third and with the potential to disrupt the other two, by Human interference with the environment and by traffic congestion to potentially disrupt business continuity for the vibrant business community, which involves the largest LNG terminal in Europe, and the eight largest in the world. In 2018 Medway Council cabinet made the right decision to undertake the necessary capacity studies, however has recently revealed that these decision, while never rescinded, were also never implemented. This is a failure of governance, and bodes ill for the competence of the council to manage the whole infrastructure project in a way that is respectful and sustainable , and also in away that gains the trust of the local community, which has been severely dented ever since the two events of the a) abject failure of the previous local plan in 2013 and b) the closure of the council owned golf Course at Deangate one week's notice.

the neighbourhoods on the "wrong " side of the peninsula way will be cut off from the rest of Hoo by a very large road. This will create a split community.The solution is not to build houses on Deangate and on the land owned by Homes England.which are, after all, on very environmentally sensitive land.

There seems to be a very big black hole in the finances and the difficulties of this will only become apparent late. There is a lot of over promising and under delivering which is failing to build trust with the local community.

Form ID: 14
Respondent: Mrs Melanie Puttock

Strongly disagree

Hoo is a Village. It has a good community feel where residents know each other and look out for each other. I want to retain this and do not want this community to be eroded by increasing the size of the Village to become a Town. I moved here from London because I wanted to live in a smaller safe community and not in a built up area where neighbours do not know each other, care about each other or care about their local area

I don't want any of them. Hoo is perfectly fine as it is now

Strongly disagree

No answer given

The neighbourhoods mentioned all have their unique identities and their own close knit communities and should stay that way. I do not agree with combining these neighbourhoods

There are very few places left to live that offer what we have here in Hoo. Too many communities are being eroded by large scale development. Having lived I a large Town in SE London I know that quality of life is poor in these areas. There is little interaction between people who live in these areas. In Hoo we have a Village community where people look out fir each other and quality of life is high. I feel safe in Hoo. If it was developed further my quality of life would deteriorate, crime would increase and I would not feel safe or happy

Form ID: 15
Respondent: Mrs Jane Coles

Strongly disagree

Because thus Council is proposing the destruction of our local ecosystem purely so foreign investors can make money because, let's face it, the current housing market is currently such that no-one can get on the ladder, never mind buy one of the "shoe boxes" that are planned.

They are purely ideologies and, we all know that ideologies never come to fruition as they impossible.

Strongly disagree

No answer given

The proposed pictures are again ideological. They also do not take into account the increased pollution due to more traffic which, by the way, will make getting off the peninsula even harder.

The government attempting to tear up local ecosystems ostensibly so foreign investors has not taken into account the increased pollution from traffic which will also make getting off the peninsula more challenging, the procurement of health care workers which is currently at a worrying minimum as it is and the devastating impact to our protected species. Despicable!

Form ID: 16
Respondent: Mr steve warnes

Strongly disagree

I moved to a village location but strongly disagree with medway council to turn hoo st werbergh into a town

destroying existing farmland when we need it most and a massive effect on existing wildlife because central government has put pressure on council

Strongly disagree

this area is prime farmland that has existed for many a year .destroying the current environment for human habitation is killing the habitat we love on the humans do we not learn from our lessons!

we or the people who live on this lovely part of Kent do or never have wanted this proposal.

a corrupt medway council is adamant this will go forward destroying vast amounts of natural habitat ,vast amounts of farmland,and more traffic pollution to protect the environment the leaders of this council board and where they reside

Form ID: 17
Respondent: Mr David Putt

Strongly disagree

The “vision” should outline in greater details to what extent the infrastructure will be updated ie: hospitals, doctors, schools, roads, power, water, sewage, leisure, transport, open spaces for recreation even shops and clinics. Without this being put in place it’s pointless building 5000 to 5500 new homes which, in my estimate, would generate a minimum of 5000 extra vehicles and possibly 10000 extra people into an area that at the moment doesn’t have enough critical services for the people already living in the area

No answer given

Strongly disagree

Not enough infrastructure in place

Neighbourhood is already over populated

Some of the areas marked for “improvement” are areas of SSSI and as such are important to nature and wildlife.

Form ID: 18
Respondent: Mr Ionut-Catalin Apostu


I agree with the proposed plan brcause that means more jobs and opportunities for the people around the peninsula

Looks fine to me

Strongly agree

No answer given

Better than exiting

No answer given

Form ID: 19
Respondent: Mr John Codling

Strongly disagree

1. Principle 1 is false, you are totally destroying the landscape. 2. Principle 2. Your pathetic attempts at increasing access from the one road on, off is ridiculous. A primary school student could do better. The whole concept is based on putting all of Medways future housing needs in one area. Totally against government policy, your attempts at saving your own constituencies to the detriment of Hoo should be stopped.

Complete 'Blank'

Strongly disagree

It destroys a community not adding to it.

The sports centre off of Vicarage lane couldn't be more badly placed if you tried.

Stop trying to make Hoo into a new town, spread the housing needs over the whole area.

Form ID: 20
Respondent: Mr john allen

Strongly disagree

Already Strood is an absolute bottleneck - all services are seriously - it is a nightmare for schools / doctors / shopping. When we moved here 45 years ago it was a reasonable place to live - this is no longer the case !!

The principles sound great, however very idealistic. I suspect from those who do not live in the area and experience the day to day problems of living in the medway conurbation.

Strongly disagree

We are simply going to add more problems to the medway area.

The proposals sound attractive, but already developments in the Hoo area are causing problems especially at a social level.

It would be interesting if those living in the Hoo area had the opportunity to vote on these proposals.

Form ID: 21
Respondent: Mr Ron Sands

Strongly disagree

The plan to building 10000+ houses on the protected Hoo Peninsula is now and would remain unsustainable

All fantasy

Strongly disagree


Hoo is an ancient village and these plans will destroy it for nothing more than unsustainable housing

I believe the consultation does not meet the gunning principles and would argue it’s illegal

Form ID: 22
Respondent: Miss Emily Crutcher

Somewhat agree

The framework has clearly been researched, considered, and planned very extensively and thoroughly. Excellent work - well done to whom ever completed this piece of work. I think truly none of us want to see existing houses and developments added because we want to preserve things as they are, hence the hate, but thinking logistically it is necessary and your planning and consideration of local infrastructure is very thorough and well done, alongside existing landscape and environmental consideration.

The infrastructure and community considerations make this plan very well thought out.

Somewhat agree

See answer one.

N/A. I looked overall and considered this more than individual neighbourhoods

See question 1. I think rainham needs a proposal consideration like this. The infrastructure is not coping with the existing amount of people and traffic - particularly the road system between rainham and Chatham. London road and lower rainham road are being backed up most days and causing huge delays and issues. The doctors are all over subscribed and impossible. The schools are oversubscribed. I think the infrastructure here, including environmental concerns, really needs looking at - widening those roads or looking at the potential for another road to be put from rainham to Chatham- perhaps through cozenton park area?

Form ID: 23
Respondent: Mr Robert Gilbert

Strongly disagree

People move to a rural area for that exact reason, an improved quality of life over living in urban sprawl. We do not want more housing on the peninsula, there is already too much development. The proposed development would lead to noise and light pollution as well as reduced air quality( each new house has a minimum of 1 car, often 3 or 4). The stupidity of burying acres of productive farmland under concrete just because central government (whos track record is appalling) say so! This country struggles to feed itself and you want to put unwanted houses on this land. How about Capstone Park? Plenty of room there, or is it too close to a councillors home, so we have to have this monstrosity forced on us? This development will turn a village into a town and bring the associated mental health issues with it. This is a rural setting and we do not need expansion. Build your houses elsewhere in Medway, the peninsula is not the council’s rubbish bin!

Disgusting. We do not want to be a “vibrant and sustainable community” or any other trendy buzzword catch phrase the council wants to use to dress up the destruction of farmland and a rural community. This is all just jargon to dress up the council dumping its central government driven housing policy on us.

Strongly disagree

Simple, leave the peninsula alone and no “overall framework” will be required. Maybe the Medway councillors can have a house built in their back garden?

With pleasure. Leave us alone and flood some other area already surrounded by infrastructure and train stations with your “proposed neighbourhoods” !

Leave Hoo and all the other villages, that this plan is proposing to destroy alone. No one here has requested this development and no one wants it. Don’t dress it up like you are doing us in Hoo a favour. All this plan is out to do is destroy our area and our quality of life while making development company bosses and shareholders and probably, some members of Medway council, very wealthy at the same time as causing our homes to devalue!

Form ID: 24
Respondent: Mr Oliver Wilton

Strongly disagree

The sheer scale of proposed housing will destroy the character of the area and the facilities are unlikely to be able to cope with the increase in population. The wildlife considerations are minimal compared to the damage that development will inflict.

1. Landscape development essentially marrs the landscape 2. Well connected settlements have the negative effect of reducing connectivity of ecosystems. 3. The large amount of housing development is not sustainable in such a small area. 4. If the building work is anything like the houses that have already been built around Chattenden and Hoo, it won't be attractive. Flat-pack, boxy, new build housing that has no character and sticks out like a sore thumb.

Strongly disagree

No answer given

No answer given

No answer given

Form ID: 25
Respondent: Mr Ellen Bishop

Strongly disagree

This is a rural village and someone (corrupt councillors) has decided that it will become a town in place of their own areas. The numbers of properties being preposed is unacceptable. The destruction of grad A farmland is unbelievable - this is a proposal to line the pockets of a very few at the expenses of the many!

It is completely dilusional and will destroy this are and the lives of the people here now.

Strongly disagree

This is unacceptable

They will change to whole nature and feel of the area - it will become a suberban mess

This is a corrupt plan and needs to be scrapped - while we must have new housing and infastructure, not on this scale and expect to retain any of the existing feel of the place. The councillors proposing this are corrupt and have dumped the entire building plans for the area on the Peninsula while protecting their own interests and areas. This is disgusting and legal action should be taken agaist them

Form ID: 26
Respondent: Mr Clive Chester

Strongly disagree

Why should a massive housing programme be built on Grade 1 Agricultural land when there are plenty of other sites in the Medway area which are a lot more suitable. The HIF bid presentations have only told us where the roads will be but the Council still will not tell us exactly where the houses will be. We now understand that the Local Plan has been put back another 2 years so what is happening - no one seems to be able or will not tell us ?

This programme has many flaws, eg the train service and station will never be built as there will be no need for it. When land is started to be covered by concrete is totally alters the environment of the whole area including wildlife etc. The settlements will lose their separate identities and traffic

Strongly disagree

The plan has not been thought out, it`s just a case of filling up the Hoo Peninsula with as many houses as possible regardless of the effects to the environment, wildlife, communities and the general well being of the residents.

The proposed neighbourhoods just make the whole peninsula one big mass of housing and all the current villages will loose their identities.

Medway Council are just looking for an easy answer regardless of the outcome and effects on the current population, there are plenty of other brownfield sites in the Medway area but they seem quite happy to ignore them.

Form ID: 27
Respondent: Mrs Natalie Williams

Strongly disagree

We cannot see any new roads that will cope with the amount of traffic flow that is already happening, let alone the future. From the schools shown that will not be enough. The traffic outside Hoo Secondary is bad enough now with no parking available. Let alone with more houses !! We have enough new developments on the Hoo Peninsula already. We did not move here to have it changed to a town !!!!

This is all wording to make it sound good. Landscaping on new developments means a piece of greenery with some play equipment. We are losing all our natural woodland and fields that we could and still should be able to see. Instead it will just be an eyesore of houses crammed together for the developers to make as much profit as possible.

Strongly disagree

Once again the residents of Hoo do not want any of this. No matter how good or ‘pretty’ you make it sound. It will become a concrete jungle !!!

They will all be crammed together. Row after row, development after development with little green space to have walks. Nothing like we have now. No peaceful walks!!!

Why has Hoo been chosen? What’s happening in other areas like Rainham?

Form ID: 28
Respondent: Mr James Nunn

Neither agree nor disagree

The proposed transport infrastructure is not likely to resolve the long term access issues

The proposals are logical and seem reasonable, however, the accessability proposals are insufficient to cope with the proposed development

Neither agree nor disagree

Insufficient accessability proposals

Given the level of development expected they seem a reasonable proposal

The new accessibility infrastructure needs to go in first. Then assessed for capacity and development restricted accordingly. There is much in the plan about access to the Medway Towns. The rail link needs to go to the Medway Towns as well as Gravesend. If it does not it will do nothing to assist with the current road transport problems. The road proposals are insufficient given the evidence that much of the employment expansion is in logistics, and therefore will involve a significant increase in HGV traffic volumes.

Form ID: 29
Respondent: Mr Alexander Roscow

Somewhat agree

It looks well thought out but … More medical provisions are needed in the area. A token “Healthy living centre” should really be a much needed hospital instead. My wife recently attended Medway hospital as an emergency case, and it still took around 40 hours before she had her emergency surgery. Add in more people and it’s only going to get worse. Traffic and air quality is also already bad, again only likely to get worse with such an increase in local population.

As long as trees and plants are correctly planted at the correct time of year, and something is done to manage the quantity of traffic I trust the above to be adhered to

Somewhat agree

No answer given

No answer given

For the love of the local area, and everyone in it, please consider a hospital, reservoir and improvements to infrastructure. We are already at, if not over, the capacity that our local resources, natural and man made) can handle

Form ID: 30
Respondent: Arriva Kent and Surrey Ltd

Neither agree nor disagree

The plan lacks a co-ordinated bus strategy, with instead a proposed set of new routes which don't tie together. Local bus services are the major public transport provider in the area and whilst the rail station will open up new links to the West, the local bus network will continue to offer the public transport links to Strood, Rochester and Chatham. It is highlighted that traffic congestion is an issue for the bus network, and this is particularly true in Strood, yet there is no reference as to how this could be overcome. At the moment the area is a large number of parcels of development, with each developer pursuing an independent bus strategy for their individual site. The scale of the development is such that there needs to be a co-ordinated bus strategy with a plan of what the future network would look like and what infrastructure would need to be provided to deliver this. This are should be able to support a Bus Rapid Transit scheme similar to Fastrack in neighbouring Kent, but for this to be successful the route network needs to be planned now and the bus priority built into the developments. The proposed network should be built around a core dedicated bus route which is direct, frequent and prioritised at every traffic junction.

Key to the success of the development will be transport. The current area suffers from high levels of traffic congestion with minimal bus priority to make the bus a viable alternative. A strong high quality bus plan needs to be built into the framework which looks at the area as a whole rather than individual parcels. The routing of buses needs to be direct and link both new areas of development and existing development.

Neither agree nor disagree

as per previous comments

Bus access seems to be an afterthought

Medway Council need to effectively engage with existing operators of bus routes in the area.

Form ID: 32
Respondent: Ward Councillor Peninsula ward

Strongly disagree

The consultation I believe is flawed and does not meet The Gunning Principles

Non valid consultation

Strongly disagree

This consultation does not meet with Gunning Principles and therefore the Framework plan is not vaild

Hoo is an ancient village mentioned in the doomsday book why would anyone try to destroy our village heritage with fake neighbourhoods

Read the gunning principles of proper consultation procedure because this one does not conform

Form ID: 33
Respondent: Mr Ben Parker

Strongly disagree

Stop building new houses. We have hundreds of abandoned buildings in Medway which can be renovated. Hospitals, schools, roads and doctors already cannot cope with the number of people living in the area. You keep popping up homes without a consideration for the communities. These houses that are being built are also ugly and too similar. We want to preserve our natural spaces for wildlife & keep the British agricultural safe considering it's already under risk from housing developments. Use this money to help the communities instead of these cheaply built, unaffordable properties.

It's not sustainable if you are already ripping up the land for building them. Sustainable would be leaning the wildlife. They are not attractive or tailor built. They are ugly and unaffordable.

Strongly disagree

No answer given

Our villages do not want to be joined to create one large housing estate. Save the British wildlife and wild spaces !

Stop prioritising new developments when we have hundreds of abandoned buildings to be renovated. These properties do not help your community because they are unaffordable. Communites in Medway are already struggling with too many people and not enough resources. Spend this money on the community instead of infrastructure.