Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
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Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1375
Received: 31/10/2023
Respondent: Wakely Brothers (Rainham) Kent
Agent: Finns
Site is previously developed land as former landfill with no agreed remediation strategy in place with the Council. No public access and well screened. Well defined by railway line and Seymour Road with established golf course to west preventing further development spread so no need for concern about merging of Rainham and Newington here.
This site was formerly known as Bridge Orchard. Following brickearth removal, the land was left with a frost pocket which was filled with inert and other material without planning consent. Whilst the land may be ‘green’ in appearance, it was previously used for landfill for inert plus other unknown materials during the late 1990’s and an attempt at regularisation through submission of a planning application reference MC/05/1225 ended with refusal and dismissal at appeal. There did not appear to be any later planning applications for this land. As the application was refused, there was no agreed provision for restoration of the land through development management procedures. In view of this, it is considered the land falls under the definition of ‘previously developed land’ as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework 2023.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1378
Received: 31/10/2023
Respondent: Wakely Brothers (Rainham) Kent
Agent: Finns
Site ID 288
This land is not in active agricultural use and is not ‘best and most versatile’ farmland, given its former use as a tip. The tip was closed pre-1990 by Cleanaway with gas and groundwater monitoring. The site is not within the AONB. The land is privately owned with no public access and screened around all boundaries by established hedging, making the site attractive to development within the first 5 years of the Plan.
Site ID 288
This land is not in active agricultural use and is not ‘best and most versatile’ farmland, given its former use as a tip. The tip was closed pre-1990 by Cleanaway with gas and groundwater monitoring. The site is not within the AONB. The land is privately owned with no public access and screened around all boundaries by established hedging, making the site attractive to development within the first 5 years of the Plan.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1379
Received: 31/10/2023
Respondent: Wakely Brothers (Rainham) Kent
Agent: Finns
The land is previously developed land as a former tip site with no agreed restoration in place with the Council. Available, deliverable, in single ownership and can deliver up to 90 units. Well contained site with defined boundaries with railway line and Seymour Road that ensure prevention of development spread to the east.
Site ID 288
This land is previously developed land. This site lies at the eastern side of Rainham and adjacent to current development under construction at Otterham Quay Lane and the landowner is in discussion with that developer regarding access from their site to provide an extended development area under the same developer. The site measures some 3.5 hectares and is capable of accommodating up to 90 units at an average density of 25 dwellings per hectare.
The land is well contained by existing development consented to the east, the railway line to the south and Seymour Road to the west. Land to the west is in established use as a golf course for recreational purposes and therefore development here would have natural boundaries of extent that would ensure that development would not spread further east towards the boundary with Swale Borough Council and the settlement of Newington.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1384
Received: 31/10/2023
Respondent: Wakely Brothers (Rainham) Kent
Agent: Finns
Site ID 291
This land may be ‘green’ in appearance, but was previously used for landfill for inert materials and the land reinstated during the 1980’s/1990’s under Cleanaway. In view of this, the land is unsuitable for agricultural production and offers an opportunity for an extension to the approved developed area at Rainham without impacting upon the wider countryside and agricultural landscape.
Site ID 291
This land may be ‘green’ in appearance, but was previously used for landfill for inert materials and the land reinstated during the 1980’s/1990’s under Cleanaway. In view of this, the land is unsuitable for agricultural production and offers an opportunity for an extension to the approved developed area at Rainham without impacting upon the wider countryside and agricultural landscape.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1386
Received: 31/10/2023
Respondent: Wakely Brothers (Rainham) Kent
Agent: Finns
Site ID 291
This land is not in active agricultural use and is not ‘best and most versatile’ farmland, given its former use as a tip. The tip was closed pre-1990 by Cleanaway with gas and groundwater monitoring. The site is not within the AONB. The land is privately owned with no public access and screened from Seymour Road and Canterbury Lane by established hedging, making the site attractive to development within the first 5 years of the Plan.
Site ID 291
This land is not in active agricultural use and is not ‘best and most versatile’ farmland, given its former use as a tip. The tip was closed pre-1990 by Cleanaway with gas and groundwater monitoring. The site is not within the AONB. The land is privately owned with no public access and screened from Seymour Road and Canterbury Lane by established hedging, making the site attractive to development within the first 5 years of the Plan.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1388
Received: 31/10/2023
Respondent: Wakely Brothers (Rainham) Kent
Agent: Finns
Site in single ownership, available and deliverable within first 5 years of Plan. Land well defined by Seymour Road and established golf course to east that prevents further spread of development eastwards.
Site ID 291
This site lies at the eastern side of Rainham and adjacent to current development under construction at Otterham Quay Lane and the landowner is in discussion with that developer regarding access from their site to provide an extended development area under the same developer. The site measures some 6.6 hectares and is capable of accommodating up to 80 units.
The land is well contained by existing development consented to the east and roads to the north and west. To the north and west the land is in established use a a golf course for recreational purposes and therefore development here would have natural boundaries of extent that would ensure that development would not spread further eat towards the boundary with Swale Borough Council and the settlement of Newington.