Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)

Ended on the 31 October 2023

1. Introduction

1.1 Medway Council is preparing a new Local Plan to set the framework for the area's growth up to 2040. The Local Plan will provide a framework for where and how new development can take place.

1.2 This document has been published in the first few months of the new Labour and Cooperative Group administration of the Council. This is a statement of the Council's commitment in getting a new Plan in place. The Plan will provide certainty on the direction for Medway's growth and show how the Council will help deliver on its ambitions for the local and global environment, supporting people and boosting jobs and investment in Medway.

1.3 The Council is consulting on this document to get input from local people, businesses, community and interest groups and wider organisations to the direction and content of the new Local Plan. This document considers why we need to plan for Medway's growth. It looks at where we need to make changes, such as our high streets which have been impacted by changes in shopping patterns. It refers to those aspects of Medway that we want to safeguard for the future, such as beautiful landscapes and historic buildings. This document also outlines potential options for where we may build new homes, workplaces and services, such as schools and surgeries.

1.4 This consultation does not detail policies or identify those sites preferred by the Council for new development. That detail will come in the next stage of work on the Local Plan, which the Council will publish next year.

1.5 This is a good opportunity for people to contribute to the important discussions about how Medway could change over coming years. This consultation will help to define priorities for our environment, communities and economy. These can then be reflected in how we draw up policies for the new Plan. We also want people to share their views about regenerating the urban centres and riverside sites in Medway, and potential development in suburban and rural areas.

How to get involved

1.6 The consultation runs from Monday, 18 September to Tuesday, 31 October 2023. Information about the new Local Plan, the consultation documents and reports that provide an evidence base can be found on the Council’s website at

1.7 You can view the consultation document and submit comments where the speech bubble is shown. Comments must be submitted in writing by 11:59 pm on 31 October 2023

1.8 The Council has organised several events during the consultation where people can find out more about the new emerging Plan and share their views on planning for Medway's growth. We will post details on our website.

1.9 If you would like further information, or have any questions about the consultation, you can contact the Planning Policy team at:


Telephone: 01634 331629

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