Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
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Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1172
Received: 30/10/2023
Respondent: Redrow Homes Limited
Agent: Ms Emily Brosnan
We support the development of a Policies Map. We recommend the policies map includes site allocations which should be set out within the Regulation 19 Local Plan document. The Council should publish the evidence to support the growth strategy site allocations.
We support the development of a Policies Map. We recommend the policies map includes site allocations which should be set out within the Regulation 19 Local Plan document. The Council should publish the evidence to support the growth strategy site allocations.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1173
Received: 30/10/2023
Respondent: Redrow Homes Limited
Agent: Ms Emily Brosnan
We support the target of delivering around 28,500 homes over the plan period to 2040. The housing target should be achieved within the Borough to meet local development needs.
We support the target of delivering around 28,500 homes over the plan period to 2040. The housing target should be achieved within the Borough to meet local development needs.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
The plan's vision is to
Representation ID: 1174
Received: 30/10/2023
Respondent: Redrow Homes Limited
Agent: Ms Emily Brosnan
We support the overall vision for Medway Council.
Most importantly, the delivery of new homes (and communities) such as at High Halstow is central to successfully achieving the aspirations of the Council because new homes can deliver sustainable development in relation to social, environmental and economic objectives. Significantly, in line with the vision, new development can improve quality of life.
We recommend that the growth strategy (including future site allocations) is planned in a joined-up manner alongside securing new required infrastructure to support existing and new communities, as well as addressing environmental matters.
We support the overall vision for Medway Council.
Most importantly, the delivery of new homes (and communities) such as at High Halstow is central to successfully achieving the aspirations of the Council because new homes can deliver sustainable development in relation to social, environmental and economic objectives. Significantly, in line with the vision, new development can improve quality of life.
We recommend that the growth strategy (including future site allocations) is planned in a joined-up manner alongside securing new required infrastructure to support existing and new communities, as well as addressing environmental matters.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Prepared for a sustainable and green future
Representation ID: 1175
Received: 30/10/2023
Respondent: Redrow Homes Limited
Agent: Ms Emily Brosnan
We support the Local Plan initiatives in regard to tackling climate change and enhancing sustainability.
Development at the site, at High Halstow, would create a cohesive, integrated and highly sustainable extension to the village.
We support the Local Plan initiatives in regard to tackling climate change and enhancing sustainability.
Development at the site, at High Halstow, would create a cohesive, integrated and highly sustainable extension to the village.
Sustainability is a core consideration of the proposed development at the site and by achieving rigorous energy standards and employing technologies such as air source heat pump technology, the proposals respond directly to the Climate Emergency declared by Medway Council in April 2019.
Development at the site would seek to maintain and enhance ecological habitats, including the retention of existing tree / hedge lines along all the boundaries of the site, to deliver at least 20% biodiversity net gain.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Supporting people to lead healthy lives and strengthening our communities
Representation ID: 1176
Received: 30/10/2023
Respondent: Redrow Homes Limited
Agent: Ms Emily Brosnan
The site, at High Halstow, would provide a logical and sustainable extension to the east of the village and provide many opportunities for wider integration with nearby services and facilities to support healthy and active living and positive well-being for existing and new residents.
The site, at High Halstow, would provide a logical and sustainable extension to the east of the village and provide many opportunities for wider integration with nearby services and facilities to support healthy and active living and positive well-being for existing and new residents.
The proposed development will deliver 14 hectares of open space provision, which is more than the requirement based on MC’s adopted standards. The proposals will provide at least or in excess of the requirement across all of the different open space typologies which will make a positive contribution towards encouraging healthy and active lifestyles.
The proposals will encourage healthy lifestyles, through the creation of a legible and walkable neighbourhood (in combination with the existing village). The proposed 2FE primary school, local centre, open spaces, and allotments are all highly accessible and are set within a high quality and attractive new neighbourhood and will be accessible to the existing and new residents.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Securing jobs and developing skills for a competitive economy
Representation ID: 1177
Received: 30/10/2023
Respondent: Redrow Homes Limited
Agent: Ms Emily Brosnan
The proposed development at the site, at High Halstow will generate a range of economic benefits, including new employment opportunities, both during the construction and operational phases.
The proposed development at the site, at High Halstow, will provide up to 760 new homes, a local centre, delivery of a new 2FE primary school, new open spaces and associated infrastructure and services. As a result, the new neighbourhood will generate a range of economic benefits, including new employment opportunities, both during the construction and operational phases.
The provision of a new local centre within walking distance that will create jobs and boost economic output across the Hoo Peninsula. The non-residential floorspace will provide a number of workplace-based jobs to contribute to the local economy of High Halstow.
Local spending will also increase in the local area, and the skillset of new residents will contribute towards the local workforce.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Boost pride in Medway through quality and resilient development
Representation ID: 1178
Received: 30/10/2023
Respondent: Redrow Homes Limited
Agent: Ms Emily Brosnan
The proposed development at the site, at High Halstow will bring forward the creation of a vibrant community by delivering new amenities through the provision of a local centre, and new public open space, incorporating recreational routes, amenity spaces and new children’s play areas benefiting existing and future residents.
The proposed development at the site, at High Halstow, has been designed to carefully take account of planning policy requirements as well as site characteristics for example local character, heritage, and landscape, to bring forward a high-quality and attractive scheme.
The proposals are of an appropriate layout and form which promotes the 15-minute neighbourhood concept, is exemplary in terms of appearance and provides high-quality residential development, designed to be inclusive and accessible, and to contribute to the health and wellbeing of existing and future occupants.
The site will bring forward the creation of a vibrant community by delivering new amenities through the provision of a local centre, and new public open space, incorporating recreational routes, amenity spaces and new children’s play areas benefiting existing and future residents.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1179
Received: 30/10/2023
Respondent: Redrow Homes Limited
Agent: Ms Emily Brosnan
The Council provides a windfall allowance of 3,000 homes over the plan period. We consider this to be challenging target to achieve and evidence needs to be provided to demonstrate that this figure is deliverable. It would also be useful if the term “windfall sites” is defined as part of this work. If the windfall allowance is reduced any shortfall would need to be made up by new site allocations.
The Council provides a windfall allowance of 3,000 homes over the plan period. We consider this to be challenging target to achieve and evidence needs to be provided to demonstrate that this figure is deliverable. It would also be useful if the term “windfall sites” is defined as part of this work. If the windfall allowance is reduced any shortfall would need to be made up by new site allocations.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1180
Received: 30/10/2023
Respondent: Redrow Homes Limited
Agent: Ms Emily Brosnan
We support the four broad categories of locations where development could take place. We suggest that a balanced approach to dispersing development across the borough is pursued in the new Local Plan. This is because there are local development needs across the borough so growth should be distributed across the four locations, including Hoo Peninsula.
We support the four broad categories of locations where development could take place. We suggest that a balanced approach to dispersing development across the borough is pursued in the new Local Plan. This is because there are local development needs across the borough so growth should be distributed across the four locations, including Hoo Peninsula.
Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)
Representation ID: 1181
Received: 30/10/2023
Respondent: Redrow Homes Limited
Agent: Ms Emily Brosnan
Urban regeneration is supported and should form an element of the emerging Plan. There are great opportunities for regeneration across the urban areas of Medway which can assist in addressing some of the identified issues currently being experienced, including deprivation, providing homes and affordable homes, and supporting high streets.
However, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy that will work across the Medway towns which each have their own unique characteristics, issues and constraints.
Urban regeneration is supported and should form an element of the emerging Plan. There are great opportunities for regeneration across the urban areas of Medway which can assist in addressing some of the identified issues currently being experienced, including deprivation, providing homes and affordable homes, and supporting high streets.
However, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy that will work across the Medway towns which each have their own unique characteristics, issues and constraints.