Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)

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Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)


Representation ID: 1385

Received: 31/10/2023

Respondent: Barratt David Wilson Homes

Agent: Iceni Projects

Representation Summary:

It is therefore recommended that the Council consider Green Belt release as part of their spatial strategy and in particular, allocate Land to the north of Rede Court, Strood

Full text:

Without any Green Belt release, the supply drops down to 19,500 which when combined with the pipeline and windfall sites, only achieves approximately 29,500 dwellings. This falls short of the combined Medway need (29,000 dwellings) plus the homes required to meet Gravesham’s unmet need (2,000 dwellings), which results in an overall need of 31,000 dwellings. It is therefore clear that the Council will need to release some land from the Green Belt to meet their housing needs.

In addition to the above, the assessment of sites put forward in the Reg. 18 Plan shows that there is a reliance on larger strategic sites requiring significant infrastructure provision/upgrades and/or complex urban regeneration schemes that take some time to deliver, which could push a significant amount of housing delivery towards the end of the Plan period. It is therefore recommended that the
Council look to allocate smaller to medium sites that can deliver homes early in the plan period, alongside larger strategic sites.

As previously demonstrated, the subject site at Land north of Rede Court, Strood, is a highly sustainable site in proximity to a number of services and facilities. Section 4 below outlines why the subject site makes a limited contribution to the purpose and aims of the Green Belt, and Section 5 demonstrates that there is no impediment to bringing this site forward in the first five years. It is therefore recommended that the Council consider Green Belt release as part of their spatial strategy and in particular, allocate Land to the north of Rede Court, Strood.


Medway Local Plan (Regulation 18, 2023)


Representation ID: 1389

Received: 31/10/2023

Respondent: Barratt David Wilson Homes

Agent: Iceni Projects

Representation Summary:

Despite currently being located within the Green Belt, the site specific Landscape, Visual and Green Belt Appraisal submitted with these Representations, clearly demonstrates that the site makes a limited contribution to the purpose and aims of the Green Belt. As such, the site is entirely suitable to accommodate new homes.

Full text:

The subject site is adjacent to the built-up area of Strood and would form a logical extension in a highly sustainable location for future development. The Land North of Rede Court has the potential to deliver market and affordable dwellings, including much needed family housing that can be delivered within the first five years of the Plan period and contribute to the housing needs of the District. Any proposals on the site would emphasise healthy living, contribute play areas and open space on site and provide opportunities to access local amenities, schools and community facilities by foot and cycle, so car use is kept to a minimum.

Despite currently being located within the Green Belt, the site specific Landscape, Visual and Green Belt Appraisal submitted with these Representations, clearly demonstrates that the site makes a limited contribution to the purpose and aims of the Green Belt. Furthermore, the changing context of the adjoining land, draft allocation for housing, would effectively leave the site an isolated green field between two built-up areas, further eroding the purpose of the Green Belt in this location. There are no environmental designations in respect of the site that would limit the development potential. In addition, there are no technical issues that would hinder this site from coming forward
for residential development. As such, the site is entirely suitable to accommodate new homes. Development on the site could be brought forward within the first five years of the Plan period, therefore significantly contributing to the short-term housing needs of the Borough.

The site is deliverable and financially viable. There are no known abnormal or infrastructure requirements beyond those expected to deliver a development of this nature.

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