Arches Chatham Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16
Chapter 2: Vision & Objectives
This Neighbourhood Plan sets out a framework to improve the area over the plan period.
"The plan's vision is to transform the neighbourhood area into a beautiful, green and prosperous place in which people wish to stay, live and work; a neighbourhood to raise children, help others and grow old; a place in which people can rediscover a sense of community, pride and purpose; a place with a beating heart."
This vision is supported by five key aims. These focus on improving the public realm, creating new affordable homes, promoting sustainable transport, supporting net neutral lifestyles, and facilitating a happier and healthier community.
There are five key policy areas and a number of project proposals within the Community Action Plan to bring to life the vision and aims of the plan, including:
- Housing: Creating beautiful, high-quality and affordable homes that create a cohesive and multi-generational community.
- Built & Natural Environment: Providing safe, inclusive and pleasant streets and public spaces that protect our environment and will be embraced by all.
- Sustainable Transport: Creating a car-lite neighbourhood in which residents reclaim the streets for walking, cycling, playing and shopping.
- Local Economy: Revitalising the local economy and reviving the high street along Luton Road, by making the area a desirable place to do business.
- Community Spaces: Protecting and improving community facilities and ensuring that no resident is left behind.
The Community Action Plan sets out a series of projects which can deliver tangible change within the Neighbourhood Area and plan period. This includes street art installations, urban greening and exploring School Streets initiatives.
This plan allocates a number of sites for potential development within the plan period. The site allocations should act as a guide to shape any forthcoming development proposed for those sites. Development of the sites remains at the discretion of the landowner. These allocations should help give greater certainty and clarity to landowners and developers on what is expected and to ensure that potential development aligns with the community's vision and aspirations set out within the ACNP.