Hoo St Werburgh and Chattenden Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16

Ended on the 19 February 2024

This document is dedicated to the memory of Ted Smith who was a founder member of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and whose valuable support was instrumental in preserving our local heritage, establishing Grade II listing of World War II pillboxes as part of the Hoo Stop Line.

1. Introduction

Caption: Hoo Common has considerable environmental and community value.

Hoo Common has considerable environmental and community value

1.1 Purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan

The Hoo St Werburgh and Chattenden Neighbourhood Plan has been produced by Hoo St Werburgh Parish Council. Neighbourhood Plans are policy-based land use plans. The policies are used in the determination of planning applications.

A steering group was formed and this ensured that residents and local groups were involved in producing policy, based on evidence and local knowledge and views.

The Hoo Neighbourhood Plan provides a positive strategy for growth, but also helps to ensure that such growth is sustainable, against the context of climate change. This plan does not make additional site allocations, but does make provisions for growth in its policies, including for employment, residential and community facilities. At the same time, there are policies on design, environment and transport to ensure that development is sustainable, environmentally, socially, and economically.

The Neighbourhood area is the whole of the Parish of Hoo St Werburgh. This was designated by Medway Council on 18 December 2018 and is shown on Map 1.

1.2 Status of the Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plans have to meet legal requirements set out in planning legislation, including meeting the Basic Conditions. This is tested at the Independent Examination stage.

Once made through a local referendum, the Neighbourhood Plan forms part of the statutory development plan for the area, together with the Medway Local Plan.

Section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act requires planning applications to be determined in accordance with the policies of the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

The Neighbourhood Plan will be in force until the end of 2040.

Hoo St Werburgh parish - A map showing the Hoo St Werburgh Designated Neighbourhood Area.
Hoo St Werburgh Designated Neighbourhood Plan Area

A picture showing war heritage structure. Caption: Local heritage includes the Hoo Stop Line and various 2nd World War structures.

Local heritage includes the Hoo Stop Line and various 2nd World War structures

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