High Halstow Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16

Ended on the 30 April 2023

3. High Halstow 'tomorrow'

Image of a park with a children's playground and trees and houses in the background

3.1 This section of the Neighbourhood Plan sets out the vision and objectives for High Halstow. It has been informed through consultation and establishes the community's aspirations for the future of the area.


3.2 Our vision for how High Halstow will grow and develop over the period to 2037 is:

High Halstow's future will continue to be a vibrant community physically separate from neighbouring villages. It will remain an attractive place to live within the Peninsula and not a mere dormitory settlement for surrounding towns. Its rich landscape character and natural and heritage assets will have been protected and enhanced and It will be renowned for its wildlife and biodiversity, with local bird habitats strengthened.

Sustainable development will provide a range of housing choice and opportunity, with new and improved facilities having strengthened community cohesion. The village centre will remain the heart of community life, with green routes and links to and from this ensuring that areas of new growth are integrated with the existing settlement and enable new residents to fully participate in village life.

Development will have responded to the climate change emergency, with zero carbon homes and community facilities built in the village, including the retrofit and refurbishment of existing buildings. It will have transitioned from a place built in support of the oil industry to one whose green credentials are to the fore. Development will promote walking and cycling away from sensitive ecological sites on an improved network of footpaths and cycle ways, and embed new technologies that provide a range of sustainable travel choices.

Development will be of the highest design standards, responding to local character and context, with innovative housing design including a flourishing self-build sector.


3.3 The objectives below provide a framework for the Neighbourhood Plan policies.

Objective 01: Community well-being

To provide and enhance facilities that maintain and develop the wellbeing of the community.

Objective 02: Green Space

To preserve and improve sympathetic access to existing green spaces and further provide additional green spaces within the developed environment.

Objective 03: Community Identity

To maintain and enhance the strong sense of community and maximise the opportunity for engagement.

Objective 04: Rural setting

To keep High Halstow a rural village

Objective 05: Leisure and tourism

To maintain and develop High Halstow as an area rich in history and natural beauty, as well as supporting local leisure and tourism opportunities.

Objective 06: Traffic

Minimise the impact of vehicular traffic and improve opportunities for active and sustainable travel facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

Objective 07: Sustainable Environment

To provide a sustainable environment for the residents and wildlife of High Halstow whilst being mindful of conserving an ecological balance.

Objective 08: Health and well-being

To provide an effective locally based healthcare facility to suit the needs of the local population.

Objective 09: Housing for the community

Housing should be relevant to community need and sympathetic to local styles

Objective 10: Infrastructure

Provide infrastructure that is robust enough to support existing and future networks.


3.4 The objectives outlined above cover four main themes, recognising that the objectives cut-across a series of common topics. These are presented in the box below and are used as a means to structure the Neighbourhood Plan.

Theme 01: Community

This links objectives and ideas relating to community, health and wellbeing, local identity and local infrastructure. This links to Objectives 1, 3, 8 and 10.

Theme 02: Environment

This links objectives and ideas relating to the protection and enhancement of the rural green setting of High Halstow, as well as moving towards a more sustainable future for development and the village as a whole. This links to Objectives 2, 4 and 7.

Theme 03: Movement

This links objectives and ideas relating to walking, cycling, public transport and improved access for all. This links to Objectives 5, 6, 7 and 10.

Theme 04: Place Quality

This links policies and objectives relating to local design and character, housing type and mix, and the wider landscape of the village. This links to Objectives 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9.

3.5 The policies, and projects, within this Neighbourhood Plan intend to deliver on the themes and objectives. The next four sections of the Neighbourhood Plan present these, ordered in response to the objectives.

3.6 It is important that the Neighbourhood Plan is read as a whole. All policies should be viewed together in the preparation and consideration of planning applications.

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