High Halstow Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16

Ended on the 30 April 2023

8. Community infrastructure

image of a Premier express village store with people outside.

8.1 Medway Council is not a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging authority. Until such time as CIL is adopted Medway Council will continue to negotiate Section 106 agreements with applicants that provides funds or works to make development more acceptable in planning terms.

8.2 The Medway Guide to Developer Contributions and Obligations was adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document in May 2018 and establishes requirements for those schemes which qualify for a Section 106 Agreement.

8.3 Contributions from qualifying developments that help minimise bird disturbance may also be sought, and would be subject to either the Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy (SAMMS) Mitigation Contribution Agreement, or a Unilateral Undertaking.

8.4 Through production of the Neighbourhood Plan and in consultation with the community a list of projects has been identified. These are referred to through the Neighbourhood Plan and highlighted in the blue project boxes. These are projects towards which funding, either by way of a Section 106 agreement or through other arrangements, including funding streams available through partner organisations, might be directed. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Refurbishment of the toilet block and provision of new changing facilities.
  • Refurbishment of the village hall as an exemplar green facility (potentially including a dedicated health care facility) with electric car charging facilities and other shared mobility services.
  • Improving walking and cycling routes and access to the coastal path.
  • A safe pedestrian and cycle crossing on the A228 Ratcliffe Highway, providing a seamless connection between the village, potential growth area and new railway station. This will preferably take the form of a green bridge.
  • Redesign of streets around the village to slow traffic.
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