High Halstow Neighbourhood Plan - Regulation 16
9. What Happens Next?
9.1 This is the submission version Neighbourhood Plan for High Halstow. It has been subject to a period of formal consultation (known as 'Regulation 14' consultation) and, following review and amendment, has now been submitted to Medway Council who will start the 'examination process'.
9.2 Medway Council will formally consult on the submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan and appoint an independent examiner to review the Plan and any comments made in response to it. Following this, the examiner will issue a report to the local authority advising whether:
- The Plan should proceed to referendum.
- The Plan should proceed to referendum subject to modification.
- The Plan should not proceed to referendum.
9.3 For the examiner to advise that the Plan proceed to referendum it will need to be demonstrated that the Plan meets what are called the 'Basic Conditions'. These include showing that the Plan is in general conformity with the strategic objectives of the Local Development Plan (i.e.: the Medway Local Plan).
9.4 Medway Council will organise the referendum. All people of voting age in the Parish are eligible to vote on whether the Plan should be brought into force ('made') or not. If more than 50% of all people who turnout vote in favour of making the Plan, then it will become part of the suite of planning policies used by Medway Council to help shape and determine planning applications in the Parish.